Monthly meeting for the Somali disability cluster September 2021

On Thursday 30 September 2021 the ninth SDC monthly meeting is held in Mogadishu . the meeting is participated member from the cluster who made inter active discussion in the agenda on the table. The agenda was overall situation of the PWDs and DPOs
- The impact of the covid19
- The impact of the disasters PWDs
- The status of the CRPD implementation
- Strengthen the Capacity of the DPOs in Somalia
- Fund Raising for the PWDs and DPOs support programs
PWDs are estimated more than 20% in the population near 2.5 million persons with role in the social and policy the decision making as well as the legislation. This made them vulnerable people without voice in the public. Majority of them live below poverty line. Lack of social protection is major source the gap of the disability in the society from the economic, education and employment
The work of the DPOs on the ground is increasing active operation in many parts of the country. primarily Mogadishu the capital city of Somalia is the revolution of the disability advocacy started on the ground awareness for the PWDs realise their role in the society which took decades to stand up and visible on the table.
Alone in Mogadishu there are over 45 DPOs and 3 networks operating the coordination of the PWDs work in the country. started to lobby empowerment the PWDs in the society. And advocacy establishment national legislation and the ratification of the international conventions the CRPD and other protocols which are important the protection of the disabled people protection I Somalia.
Furthermore, the active work in the federal states of the PWDs is in growing process where there is large number of DPOs based regions. These DPOs work in the areas of base for the humanitarian and development. The major achievement made ratification of the CRPD in Somalia came from the campaign from the disability people and their organizations.
3.1. The covid19 treat to the disabled people increase more day to day where they suffer Lack of support and protection is risk to the PWDs. most of these people did not get PPE. Many of these people shelter in camps and slum villages where they do not receive humanitarian aid equal to the other people. The members in the meeting raised painful problems the WPDs feel from the covid19 in the country. the IDP camps who are more vulnerable unable to buy the protection materials for the pandemic, where they can get test and vaccine easily. Members in the meeting participants expressed their concern for the situation and the law awareness of the PWDs
3.2 The CRPD the members participating the meeting presented their appreciation Somali to be member state of the CRPD and ratified 2019 more than two years. Somalia should start initial report for the CRPD which has not processed so far. The ministry of the women and human rights should stand good place for the issue. And the international community should monitor the status of the CRPD in Somalia with cooperation the stakeholders the civil society, DPOs and government. There has not been implementation campaign for the convention where the stakeholder made deliberate negligence to the protocol articles. Both the civil society, international donors and the government made violation some of the article of the convention.
3.3. The Disasters risk to the PWDs is highlighted where rains, floods, droughts and armed conflict left painful impact to the PWDs and members of their families. The rains make risk most of the PWDs in urban and non-urban areas , people are very vulnerable to die or drown the water. Lack of risk protection and prevention the PWDs is key problem that has not addressed so far. Huge program made in the country were not planed as inclusive for all. Like the risk protection awareness campaigns made that had no informative supporting the PWDs learn more the protection and privations.
3.4. Strengthen DPOs Capacity in Somalia is an important work for the overall situation of the disability improvements. The DPOs are key driver who can contribute the work on the ground. They are based many areas in the country. they can serve as lesion working with donors through partnership implementing program and project in the country . humanitarian, human rights and development project supporting hundreds beneficiaries who are based areas without interventions and situations that denied by the actors on the ground. DPOs have greater experiences and knowledge the serving the PWDs.
Many DPOs need capacity building training and equipment that could help them reach the donors table. Mainly organizational management, program management and fundraising are problem to some DPOs. So far there has not been program addressing the gape of the DPOs for the technical skills and office equipment. Except some organization like save children who supported some DPOs from the office equipment’s and trainings. This is very little that could not held the out of the gap. There are hundreds programs with huge equipment damped every year. These program are in variety regions where they can support dumping the program and project equipment the office equipment, computers and vehicles as tool for the DPOs
3.5 Fundraising DPOs is the most important challenges that stand in front of many DPOs based in variety regions. Extensive training for the fundraising is important. DPOs suffer discrimination partnership the programs of the civil society, donors and government organs. DPOs are dealt with charity models where some partners support indirect. Not accessing partnership and contract. Lack of inclusive plans and program make the DPOs left alone. This make the situation of the PWDs appalling and ordeal. The donors and government organs should realise the partnership of the DPOs may lead progress to insure the activates to be inclusive for all. In the humanitarian DPOs work inside the PWDs and have more accessibility that could reach many people in the right time and right target
- The establishment of the PWDs Tusk for Covid19 prevention
- The establishment of the Tusk force monitoring CRPD in Somalia
- Insure inclusive fro all covid19 protection and support program
- Insure inclusive for all partnership in the donors and government support programs
- Insure the implementation of the CRPD in the country in the country
- SAFDI Somalia Association Female Disability
- IEDP Institute of Education for Disabled People
- UDHAN Somalia Visual Impaired youth
- Disabled Team From the Martini Hospital
- Somali Disability Cluster
- SDN Somalia Disability Network
- National Disability Council