Public Hearing for the National Disability act draft bill

On Tuesday 29 August 2023 the Parliament committee for the human rights and women affairs has made public hearing for the national disability people rights draft bill with member of the PWDs and the actors of the DPOs in Mogadishu. The meeting was to hear the concerns and inputs for them in the draft bill which is now draft process under the committee mandate who will bring the main assembly for the second hearing after consultation with relevant people.
The draft bill is passed in the cabinet on 27 July 2023 and tabled the parliament on 12 august 2023 for the first reading which took place. The speaker of the parliament handed over the draft bill to the committee who are working on it so far. The draft bill is covering the fundamental rights of the PWDs and their families and the care givers as well as the disability people issue stakeholders the DPOs the disabled people organizations.
The public hearing for the national draft bill for the PWDs is key rights for the people serving the law as in the bylaws of the parliaments the HoP house of the people. The committee made today the engagement with members of the PWDs who read the draft bill and made the correction, amendment and the input for new works and points in the draft bill that may serve the interest of the PWDs and members of their families
The main articles discussed include article 1 and 2 for name and definition of the draft bill, article 10 and 11 that serve the protection of the PWDs and the 14 that describe education. article 24 and 29 which serve the disability people protection basic rights for participation of social and recreational. Article 30 and 32 which touch the punishment for any violations of the disability people rights and roles with fines of money. The work made today by the legislation committee for the human rights and members of the PWDs and PDOs lead by the SDN Somalia Disability Networks will be strict achievement that will have national impact in the future to the PWDs in Somalia.
The chairperson of the parliament’s human rights committee Mrs. Hawo Sokor and member of the committee made commitment to the PWDs that their input will be used for the draft bill amendment which is an important. The committee will work the draft bill with professional consultants for the parliaments as technical advisors. The draft bill be tabled in the national assembly for the 11 parliament in the next sessions.