Disability People Representatives took meeting with Banedir region administration

In Mogadishu on 18 September 20219  Banadir region administration took meeting with members from the Somalia disability people PWDs and DPOs the disabled people organizations representative. The meeting took place in the off the Banedir region administration Mayaor/ Governor  Mr. Omer Mohamud Omer Filish with  the deputy governors

Somali Disability Clsuter was member the lead team of the meeting with Banedir Region administration  local authority. The meeting was aimed to strengthen the relationship with Banedir region Administration, the disabled people support and free barrier the movement of the PWDs in the region where there has been road black and checkpoint that made the movement very strict to the PWDs. As well the result death of the former governor killed in suicide attack in his office suspected someone with disabilities.

Members from the PWDs and representative from the DPOs requested from the Governor and his deputy to make the work of the Banedir region admiration inclusive for all the employment, program and investments work for the public .

Mogadishu is the capital city of Somalia  based in the Banedir region  with host population of more than 3 million people 20% of them estimated to be PWDs Persons with disabilities. Along with base for the largest DPOs the Disabled People Organizations in single region of Somalia.

The governor and his team promised the nomination of the Disability affairs Department and Director with qualified staff who can coordinate the work of the PWD and DPOs. The Governor  promised to have close cooperation and support with members of the PWDs and DPOs representatives    in the Banadir region