Somalia Disability Cluster Meeting July 2021

Time 10:00 am to 12:00 pm

Venue: Virtual Meet Google Plat form

The seventh meeting of the   2021 year   is held virtual on Thursday 29 July  in the meet Google plat form. Participated by the  some of the  persons and organization invited earl the week.  The meeting is participated members from the PWds representative, DPOs  civi society, international NOs and the UN agencies .

The meeting started 10:00 am with small participation   from the members   of the cluster and other invited groups.  Raining and poor connection mad barrier for many people to participate, some other participated with hard hearings. The meeting is proceed with 5 points agenda and the  member introduction and organization

The meeting was very active where participants exchanged the challenges   in front of the PWDs Persons with disabilities beneficiaries the public and private sectors in Somalia.  And the problems  again the DPOs the Disabled People I organizations operations and partnership with donors

Mahad Jama  explanined the UNMAS work in Somalia the victim assistant work in Somalia Carlien  contributed the comment of the Mahad and presented victim assistance feasibility in the future in Somalia with action works

Mrs. Juliet  from SCI  told the participant more intervention for the PWDs and DPOs will come after the finalization  assessment   the situation of the PWDs and DPOs. And promised to meet the DPOs and PWDs for input and contribution the assessment.

Mr. Abdirhaman Kulane and Ibrahim   from UDHAN  presented the support from the SCI for the education support kit and advocacy  workshop for the members of the organization. And asked the future support SCI for the education

Sh Omer Abdi Omer the deputy chairperson of the National Disability Council send message to the international donors to take action for the support the PWDs and DPOs. There more projects in the country funded with Disability People Humanitarian aid and development. They have the rights work, consult and account these project for the accountability of the disability rights.

Mr. Abdullahi Hussein Osman the Chairperson of the Somalia Disability Network inquired the international community and Somalia government role the implementation of the CRPD which is isned 2019 . after two year there is no process of implementation in the country

Mr. Abdullahi Hassan the Chairperson of the Somali Disability Cluster send message to the international community and British embassy Somalia and the DFID follow-up the Chart of Change 2018 Global Disability Submit in London Uk  participate more than 360 government and organization who made 170 commitment to the PWDs. Somalia government made 8 commitment that has not been implement with in the two year time fulfilment.

The members of the cluster  send message  to the Somalia civil society, international community and Somalia federal state and federal government  to insure inclusion, mainstreaming and participation of the PWDs Persons with disabilities their program and project and provide partnership the DPOs



The meeting of this month is supported and coordinated   

EDP Institute of Education for Disabled People

