Somalia Disability Cluster meeting with British Embassy Mogadishu

On 17 Augusto 20121 Somalia Disability Clsuter took meeting with Biritsh Embassy Mr. ormac Dreelan Second Secretary Political British Embassy Mogadishu. The cluster was part of the civil society meeting with ambassador. Participated more than three hindered participate from countries and international organization made largest commitment to the PWDs and DPOs in the 170 commitment named chart of changes.
The meeting was discussed the chart of changes global disability submit London UK 2018 hosted jointly the Biritsh Rayal and Kenay government. The meeting highline the 8 commitment made Somalia federal government 2018-2021.
- Policy, legislation and its implementation
- Inclusive education sector plans (governments only)
- Skills development for decent work
- Policy and guidance
- Commit resources to support strengthened disability data
- Legislation and policies to increase social services inclusion of women and girls living with a disability
- The Federal Government of Somalia commits to facilitating coordinated disability sensitive planning, resource allocation and Humanitarian response
- Inclusive for all elections and constitutional participation
The meeting is dissuaded several other issues
- Inclusion DFID and UK embassy support program disability people
- Organize Chart of Changes consultation meeting in Somalia
- Support the CRPD implementation advocacy in the country
- Support the PWDs human right protection
- Support the PWDs political participation