Training peace bundling the disability people

On Monday, November 8, 2021, members of the PWDs Persons with Disabilities and DPOs Disabled People Organizations representatives participated one-day training workshop in Mogadishu training civil society can engage effectively peace building and social cohesion .
A total of 60 people attended the workshop, with 33 Male Persons and 27 Female Persons. The workshop participants learnt how to develop community social cohesiveness and foster peace. Participants obtained knowledge and skills that will benefit their organizations and beneficiaries.
Peace building and social cohesion training are critical for disability groups that seek to empower and advocate for persons with disabilities.
The disabled persons voiced their concern about the country’s organized and unorganized conflicts, which might affect them in a variety of ways, including limiting their mobility while escaping the wars and fighting in the adjacent places and the displacement caused the conflicts.